This was March 2015 and the man on the
other line was Joshua’s father-in-law, who’d driven out to the small town of Kasson, Minnesota, to give him a
virtual (and, at times, grainy) tour of the off-market property.
Joshua had hit a ceiling in his career at JP Morgan; without an MBA he felt stuck in place. So, he and his wife
Karen took a cross-country leap of faith, moving from California to Minnesota, where he’d enroll at the
Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota. Classes didn’t start until the Fall, but the
investment in Kasson seemed too good to pass up. And his father-in-law told him to go for it, so Joshua
closed the deal with the realtor that same day over the phone. “My father-in-law missed some big things. We
had to raise the floor up two inches, things like that,” Joshua says, laughing. “So, there were definitely some
surprises waiting for me.”
But Joshua, Karen, and their one-and-a-half-year-old daughter got to Minnesota and then got to work. Joshua
had grown up in construction and right away started to put together a team he trusted. Karen fell in love with
working on the interiors, picking out fixtures and the other little touches that would speak to the prospective
buyers who’d eventually be walking through. The renovated home stayed on the market for just three hours
before it sold for a $50,000 profit; it only took four and a half months for the Petersons to go from FaceTime
to flip. “Once Karen got that taste — to be able to do that and have the success of it closing so fast — she
was sold after that,” Joshua says.
In the last four years, the Peterson team’s been growing. Joshua and Karen have two more children: a 3-year-
old son and an 8-month daughter — and these days, the 5-and-a-half-year-old is an active participant in the
flipping process. “She likes to paint. She loves to use permanent markers on things she shouldn't,” Joshua
says. “It's all about being present; giving your kids opportunities that you didn't have growing up.”
Joshua’s also built a trusted team of local contractors, lawyers, and realtors to work with his company. He
thinks it’s the biggest factor that’s allowed Benaiah Properties to find success. Business is better than the
young couple could have ever dreamed of a half decade ago when they first picked up and moved their lives
to the Land of 10,000 Lakes.
But the final piece of the Peterson team was still missing until Joshua found a team member over at
Benaiah Properties was stuck in the cycle of buy, flip, and then buy again with the profit. By quickly
understanding the opportunity and seamlessly supporting Joshua with streamlined capital, helped
him turn a small business into a career. These days, Benaiah Properties is flipping an average of three homes
per month in the lucrative, growing market of Rochester, headquarters to the world-famous Mayo Clinic.
Joshua explains as an “accelerator” for the whole operation.
And it wasn’t just the loans that helped Benaiah Properties grow. Joshua has been able to lean on
a team member as a trusted advisor — he’s become something like his unofficial CFO. “A team member can be in California
and confidently advise me about numbers here in Minnesota. He can even be a back-channel to review a deal
for me to see if it's worth going after. He’s a sounding board. And he’s really used his resources to see how he
could help,” Joshua says. “Even smaller credit unions, they're not able to give you that. It’s definitely a rare
thing.”Joshua’s first bit of advice — to not buy a property over FaceTime — is delivered through a grin. But he gets
dead-serious when he starts in with his second piece of guidance. It’s the thing he wished he knew before he
first dove headfirst into the fix-and-flip world.
“Blind spots are what take you out. So, if you can build a team and have somebody that can look out for your
blind spots, that's huge. We used 25 contractors last year — I can call any one of those guys and they’ll be on
a job site the next day. And guys like a team member — it's never taken longer than an hour for a team member to reply to a
text message or a phone call and get all the details in front of me so that I'm not looking for information,”
Joshua says. “I was full-blown at risk my first deal. But just having the relationships in place today, that
automatically takes a big portion of the risk out. I know who to call at this point. I didn't know that going into
it. But fast-forward to today and it's just a phone call away.”